Jang Jihee / 장지희

Birth   1995/03/12
Email   jangjh0312@korea.ac.kr
Status   Integrated Ph.D. student
                - Department of Psychology, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
Major   Clinical and Counseling Psychology

[Mar.2020 - Present]
• Graduate Student
 - Department of Psychology, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
 - Major: Clinical and Counseling Psychology
 - Advisor: Kee-Hong Choi, Ph.D.

[Mar. 2015 - Feb. 2020]
• Bachelor of Art in Psychology, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
• Bachelor of Science in Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

Research Interests

• Suicidal Risk
• Complicated Grief
• Severe Mental Illness
• Evidence-Based Treatment
• Convergence Approach

Research Experiences

SMI(Severe Mental Illness) Lab - Korea University
<Graduate Student>
• 성격 특성 및 우울 심각도 기반 맞춤형 심리치료 추천 알고리즘 개발 with LG Electronics [Apr. 2023 - Present]
• 서울시 PTSD 선제적 대응 방안 수립 [Aug. 2023 - Nov. 2023]
• Development of machine learning based personality assessment algorithm [Sep. 2020 - Feb. 2023]

<Undergraduate Research Assistant>
• Effects of Behavioral Activation Treatment on the Enhancement of Mental Health in Children with Wheelchair [Aug. 2018 – Dec. 2018]
• Effects of tDCS and Cognitive Training on the Enhancement of Working Memory in Depressive College Students [Mar. 2018 – May. 2019]
• The Effect of Behavioral Activation Program on Effort-Based Decision Making and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia [Sep. 2019 – Mar. 2020]

KU마음건강연구소 - Korea University
<Graduate Student>
• 군 사망자 유가족 지원방안 연구 [June.2022 - Dec.2022]
• 군 사망자 유가족 피해실태조사 및 지원 방안 연구 [Mar.2020 - Jul.2020]

Clinical Experiences

• Student Clinician - Korea University Student Counseling Center, Seoul, South Korea [Sept.2021 - Feb.2022]
• Student Clinician - Korea University Student Counseling Center, Seoul, South Korea [Mar.2021 - Aug.2021]

Teaching Experiences

• Teaching Assistant, Emotion And Life [Spring, 2020]


• Samsung ProDS - Associate [Nov. 2022]


Jang, J., Yoon, S., Son, G., Kang, M., Choeh, J. Y., & Choi, K. H. (2022). Predicting Personality and Psychological Distress Using Natural Language Processing: A Study Protocol. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

• Han, Y., Jang, J.*, Cho, E., & Choi, K.H. (2021). Investigating How Individual Differences Influence Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis: The Role of Maladaptive and Five-Factor Personality Traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 110786.

• Bahk, Y. C., Park, K., Kim, N. E., Lee, J. H., Cho, S. R., Jang, J. H.*, & Choi, K. H. (2020). Psychological Impact of COVID-19 in South Korea: A Preliminary Study. Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 39(4), 355-367.

Conference Poster & Presentation

ORAL - Understanding Autobiographical Memory Characteristics Based on Elderly Vitality Levels: Utilizing Natural Language Processing and Text Mining. [2024 Spring KCPA, Changwon, South Korea]

POSTER - Relationship between Traumatic Events, Suicide Risk, and Cognitive Factors. [ACBTA 2024, Delhi, India]